Week 1 Listening: July 28-August 1
Video #1
Symphony Domestica
Performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Listen for the trumpet solos in this piece. Bud Herseth is one of the best trumpet players that has ever lived.
Video #1
Symphony Domestica
Performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Listen for the trumpet solos in this piece. Bud Herseth is one of the best trumpet players that has ever lived.
Video # 2
My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
Performed by Mnozil Brass
This video is comical, and all of them will be for summer to keep you entertained, but they are also there for you to be inspired. This is one of my favorite groups and I have seen them live! Listen closely to how long of phrase he makes. He doesn't breathe that often! Also, listen to how smooth his playing is. Happy listening!
Week 2 Listening: August 4-8
Video #1
Flight of the Bumble Bee and Mexican Hat Dance (played in one breath)
Performed by Rafael Mendez
Mr. Mendez is an amazing trumpeter. Watch how fast his fingers move and listen for how quickly his tongue is moving in the second piece. Also, he plays the entire Mexican Hat Dance in one BREATH!!!! Yes, ONE!
Video #1
Flight of the Bumble Bee and Mexican Hat Dance (played in one breath)
Performed by Rafael Mendez
Mr. Mendez is an amazing trumpeter. Watch how fast his fingers move and listen for how quickly his tongue is moving in the second piece. Also, he plays the entire Mexican Hat Dance in one BREATH!!!! Yes, ONE!
Video #2
Mnozil Brass At the Movies
Performed by Mnozil Brass
How many of these movie songs can you recognize? I'm sure you'll catch Star Wars!
Week 3 Listening:
Video #1
Cantaloupe Island
Performed by Herbie Hancock
This is a Jazz tune that has had a big influence on many people. It features the trumpet and the piano. This is a great piece!
Video #1
Cantaloupe Island
Performed by Herbie Hancock
This is a Jazz tune that has had a big influence on many people. It features the trumpet and the piano. This is a great piece!
Video #2
Bossa Nova
Performed by Mnozil Brass
This is the least funny of them all but it is great playing! This has a jazz influence. Listen to how well the trumpets and other instruments play together to make beautiful music.
Week 4 Listening:
Lonely Boy
Performed by Mnozil Brass
I have saved the best for last! Please, do not try this at home. These are trained professionals and they have practiced this a lot. I don't want any of you OR YOUR INSTRUMENTS GETTING HURT! I hope you have enjoyed this group as much as I do. I hope to someday be in a group that can have as much fun as they do!
Only one video this week :)
Lonely Boy
Performed by Mnozil Brass
I have saved the best for last! Please, do not try this at home. These are trained professionals and they have practiced this a lot. I don't want any of you OR YOUR INSTRUMENTS GETTING HURT! I hope you have enjoyed this group as much as I do. I hope to someday be in a group that can have as much fun as they do!
Only one video this week :)